無名居士の 男70代は死に時 死に支度

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musician's talk ウクレレを愛するミュージシャンへのインタビュー
Taimane Gardner (タイマネ・ガードナー)

Taimane Gardner Performs at San Diego Ukulele Festival 2015

Ukulele virtuoso Taimane performs "Led Zeppelin Meets Beethoven"

Taimane and friends play a medley of favorites at Hyatt Regency Centric Honolulu Mar 14 2018

Taimane - Mission Impossible, James Bond, Tico Tico Medley on Ukulele

Watch Taimane Debut 3 Songs from Her New Album in this Ukulele Session

Taimane - Neptune's Storm | Soul Sessions USA

Taimane - Fur Elise | Soul Sessions USA

Taimane - street performing Misirlou and Pipeline

Taimane and Hang Drummer jam in Jerusalem

Taimane - Europa / Toccata busking in Waikiki

Jake Shimabukuro and Taimane play "Bodysurfing"

Taimane Gardner at 2011 Octoberfest

Taimane Gardner Playing Ukulele on the streets of Waikiki in 2005

Ukulele Legends part 2, from Try Stay 2


Taimane's FIRST Ukulele performance EVER

